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PAX Unplugged 2018

New Alter Arms players.

I just got back from PAX Unplugged, a major tabletop gaming expo in Philadelphia where I had some great playtests.

I am grinding away on the blind playtest rules, which is good because more and more people are asking for copies to play with their friends.

Minor musings: The rules can be grasped by young children, as a group of playtesters quickly and eagerly leapt into the game. I was also able to test out character creation, which I've been able to streamline to about 5-10 minutes.

A BLOCKBUSTER! playtester holds up the character sheet for their actor, Bick Thudgun, star of such films as Time Spiders, You're a Monster!, and The Green Desk Lamp Knows All (as the Lamp).
Also, I played some large playtests of my other game, BLOCKBUSTER! which I have been working on as a side project. I'm likely going to be publishing that before I publish Alter Arms just because it will likely take less time since the rules are so streamlined

Another BLOCKBUSTER! playtester reviews a studio note they received for failing to upstage one of their peers. Studio notes are effects that the studio producing the film the players are making puts on the character who receives it. They are generated by players at the beginning of the game, and dolled out at random as a consequence for failure. They also serve as an alternate victory point.
I hope to upload some videos I took of BLOCKBUSTER! players explaining the plots of their films soon.


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